Even though we couldn’t imagine it a couple of years ago, a pandemic has become the reality of our everyday lives. Unfortunately, it is still present worldwide, and families are doing their best to protect themselves while maintaining daily tasks, jobs, etc. The most important step of protecting your family starts in your home. It is essential to keep the home clean and make sure the virus doesn’t enter the house. Also, it necessary to stay healthy inside as we spend more time in our homes now. We need to develop ways to make our home hygienic and sparkly – without too much effort. Here are the best tips for keeping COVID-19 out of your home and your family healthy and happy.
Entering the house
The most critical step of staying protected is being very cautious when you and your family members come home from work or shopping. It’s best to have a disinfection station right beside your front door. Here you can place a foot disinfection barrier and a place where you can disinfect shopping bags, keys, and mobile phones. These items are frequently touched and need to be cleaned as soon as you enter the home. The main reason is that the virus can stay on a surface for a while, so you can quickly spread it by bringing shopping bags or other items into your home.
Bonus tip: Don’t forget to deep clean your new home if you’ve just moved in. Even though the previous owner may have done it, it’s best to start fresh and safe. This way, you will be sure the place is spotless and ready for your new life chapter.
General prevention tips
It is essential to be cautious when you’re outside. Make sure you maintain personal hygiene regularly, disinfect your hands whenever possible, keep a social distance, wear a mask and never sneeze or cough into your hands but elbows or a tissue. These are general tips that will increase the level of protection wherever you are.

Follow the main guidelines for keeping COVID-19 out of your home and staying healthy
Cleaning your home
It is essential to clean your home properly. This is particularly important for surfaces/items that are frequently used and touched. These include floors, tables, staircase handrails, doorknobs, light switches, etc. Make sure you use products designed for regular disinfection so that you can safely use them daily. Also, keep these products at hand, so you don’t forget to use them more often than before. Finally, trust the thorough disinfection to professionals once in a while. Experts can clean and disinfect your home and ensure you’re safe from bacteria, germs, and viruses.
Doing laundry
Another way you can increase the level of safety is by doing laundry properly. It would be best if you avoided low-temperature cycles but wash the laundry at higher temperatures. Also, make sure you disinfect laundry baskets from time to time, as bacteria from dirty laundry can stay there, too. Finally, if someone from your family gets sick, it’s best to wash their laundry separately.
Shopping and deliveries
Changing your shopping habits a bit will help you keep COVID-19 away from your family. Make sure you use online shopping whenever possible. Luckily, most businesses and shops provide their services online, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Also, be sure to ask delivery men for no-contact delivery. It is possible to get a package to your front door without contacting the delivery person. Finally, be sure to disinfect every package you bring in – before opening it.

Online payments and contactless deliveries are the safest methods of shopping during the pandemic.
Moving into a new home
Even though it may be challenging for some, moving during the pandemic is possible. The moving industry has continued working, with updated rules and precaution measures. For keeping COVID-19 out of your home, you need to think in advance and organize your move as precisely as possible. Here are some tips for a virus-free relocation day.
Pick your moving team wisely
When moving house, it is best to get professional moving services. However, some people are worried about moving during the pandemic. It is vital to hire experts who will help you relocate in a safe way. Responsible moving companies make sure they provide moving services in a way that protects both their employees and clients. Make sure you ask your moving team about the precaution measures they take to make your moving day as safe as possible.
Sanitize your moving boxes
Don’t forget to disinfect all the items before you seal the moving boxes. This way, you will be sure everything is safe for the road. Also, it would be best if you sprayed moving boxes with a disinfectant after they are delivered and wash your hands multiple times during packing and unpacking.

The moving boxes and other packing supplies should be clean and disinfected.
Make your moving day virus-free
As the moving day will contain some contact with others, it is important to organize it the best way possible. Ensure you have plenty of masks and gloves for everybody participating in the moving process. Also, make sure you wash your hands often and provide sanitizers and soap for everybody. Avoid touching your face, and disinfect frequently touched objects such as doorknobs, handles, dollies, etc. And finally, make sure you greet everybody with a smile rather than a handshake – minimum contact and social distance are the key to keeping the virus away.
Stay positive
Even though it is recommended to reschedule your move, sometimes that is not the option. People need to relocate for various reasons, and sometimes postponing the big day is not possible. However, that shouldn’t prevent you from keeping COVID-19 out of your home. You can take care of your new property and manage to have the safest moving day ever. Stay optimistic about the whole process, and we’re sure there won’t be any problems. Stay safe!